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000418_owner-lightwave-l _Tue Oct 25 11:42:02 1994.msg
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Return-Path: <owner-lightwave-l>
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id MAA09976; Sat, 22 Oct 1994 12:25:59 -0700
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Date: Sat, 22 Oct 1994 15:30:23 -0400 (EDT)
From: Marc Delsoin <marc@escape.com>
Subject: Re: subscribe & Noise
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
In-Reply-To: <9410210520.AA26914@ capitol.com>
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Sender: owner-lightwave-l@netcom.com
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Reply-To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
> I agree with Ed. I really like to see what various users have to say
> in regards to the questions and issues posted here - even if the
> response is simply, "me too." I get a very good idea about how people
> are using the software and what the popular and not so popular trends
> are. The return to sender set up does not promote this type of feedback
> and makes for a rather sterile, minimally informative list. Not my cup
> of tea. :+)
> paul d
Guy, Guys, Guys..... Yes it is very important to talk to users,
professionals, vendors, etc... blah blah blah... But this is a Mailing
List. What does this mean to me? Well let me give you an idea. The
Mailing list for Lightwave and Toaster is sort of like the Lightwave Pro
newsletter. Lightwave pro is for beginners and advanced users alike.
There is somethere there for everyone and it is pure information for the
post part. The news groups is like Video Toaster Use Magazine. Not
focused, informative, and for everyone. It has a lot of filler because
of the ads but thats o.k. That is what a magazin e is about. If you
want to talk, bullshit, and exchange multiple various views then take it
to the news groups. If you want Q&A with intelligent people (or at
least somewhat intelligent :) or to find out specific information then
you come to the Lightwave Mailing list. What I am trying to say is let us
try to keep the Lightwave list with the least amount of blah, blah, blah.
I am adding noise to this list with this post so if you wish to reply
please do so with mail. This is just another desperate plea by a
previously avid Amiga user to keep this area usefull and one of the last
safe havens of constant information.
** -=> Animated Images <=- ** Marc Delsoin -=> Animation Gun For Hire **
** 3D Animation, Image ** 718-712-9352 marc@escape.com **
** Processing, Morphing ** **
** Render Farm, Step ** **
** Frame Recording ** Life, The Ultimate Game..... Enjoy It! **